We propose a new method to detect sub-GeV dark matter, through their scatterings from free leptons and the resulting kinematic shifts. Specially, such an experiment can detect dark matter interacting solely with muons. The experiment proposed here is to directly probe muon-philic dark matter, in a model-independent way. Its complementarity with the muon on target proposal, is similar to, e.g. XENON/PandaX and ATLAS/CMS on dark matter searches. Moreover, our proposal can work better for relatively heavy dark matter such as in the sub-GeV region. We start with a small device of a size around 0.1 to 1 meter, using atmospheric muons to set up a prototype. Within only one year of operation, the sensitivity on cross section of dark matter scattering with muons can already reach $\sigma_D\sim 10^{-19 (-20,\ -18)}\rm{cm}^{2}$ for a dark mater $\rm{M_D}=100\ (10,\ 1000)$ MeV. We can then interface the device with a high intensity muon beam of $10^{12}$/bunch. Within one year, the sensitivity can reach $\sigma_D\sim 10^{-27 (-28,\ -26)}\rm{cm}^{2}$ for $\rm{M_D}=100\ (10,\ 1000)$ MeV. Click here to read more.